Quantum Hypnosis
Quantum Healing Hypnosis
QHHT® is a special hypnotic technique created by the renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. This technique is amazing as it allows you to journey through your consciousness to find all the answers and healing that already lie within. It’s a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation.
In the interest of full disclosure, I have not participated in formal QHHT® training, nor have I been certified by the QHHT® organization. However, I did obtain my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in the mid-nineties and have been practicing Hypnosis for more than 30 years. It is only within the last few years that I have been introduced to the work of Dolores Cannon, but I was quick to see its extraordinary potential and have integrated it into my practice.
Some people might be more familiar with the term "Past Life Regression," and that's exactly how QHHT® started - with exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than just Past Lives have become available to be experienced. This type of hypnosis teaches you new ways of being and helps you move beyond old paradigms of thinking and being. This technique involves inducing an individual into a state of trance through visualization. The interesting thing, about this type of hypnosis, is the opportunity to communicate directly with your Soul/Higher Self or what Dolores Cannon refers to as, the “Subconscious”.
Time is a three-dimensional construct; it holds no relevance for the Soul which exists in multidimensionality. All incarnations, those prior to this lifetime and those that will follow, are all lived simultaneously in the “now”. As you know, your Soul is immortal. It has no beginning and it has no end. It shares a Divinity with the Creative Source and it knows everything about you and any incarnation/expression that you may have lived. This work is not just about Past Life Regression. In fact, that is a most unfortunate and misleading term, because it assumes that each lifetime is a separate, distinct and finite journey. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although, you may hear people that have investigated their past lives, say; “I used to be this or that,” as though the “I” they are referring to (the ego self) was once a different person and now they are someone else, totally unrelated to the identity in question.
When we begin to move away from viewing ourselves as strictly three dimensional - a being that is very much identified by its material form, limited dimensionality, and time - a whole new multi-dimensional world opens up for us. Time is an illusion. In your very limited 3-D awareness, it makes total sense and is necessary. In your quantum reality, the concept of time only confuses things.
Each incarnation is incredibly transient; we only last for about a century at most. I believe the confusion comes in when we fail to recognize our true identity is that of the Soul. When we hear that we are made in the image of God, that statement is referring to our Soul. It is immortal. It always was and it always will be. The Soul will never conform to the very limited 3-D understanding we have of our physical self. The fact of the matter is, we have not had many lifetime journeys; there is only the one journey and that is the journey of the Soul. The Soul has created many different aspects for itself to help with its journey toward understanding. These different aspects of the Soul are not separate and distinct identities; they are all integrally related to the one journey. Which is why energies accrued during a particular lifetime are relevant in all lifetimes. Consequently, if we want to change the effect of a particular energy in our current lifetime, we have to return to that lifetime where the energy was created and modify it. Everyone knows you cannot change the past; or can we… Fortunately, other lifetimes are not in the past, they are all in the “now”. Every lifetime you have ever experienced, your current existance and all those yet to be lived, all happen simultaneously. Time is an illusion that does not translate well into a quantum or multi-dimensional reality. However, when we attempt to modify our "past", we do not change the factual actions that took place; rather we alter our perception toward or understanding of, said facts.
Perhaps a good analogy for the Soul’s journey would be to compare it to the journey of a single physical lifetime. As we move through a human lifetime, we have many different identities. There is the fetus, infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, puberty, older adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and the senior years. Even though you have so many identities, you can go back in your mind and isolate almost any particular identity or event. Starting school, going to the prom, your first kiss, getting married, your first child, your career, retiring, etc. Now, for the purpose of our example, which of these identities is the real you? There is only one answer. All! The same is true for the Soul. It is a journey of evolution. Each lifetime, or expression of the Soul, has something to teach you. At any stage of the journey, your true identity is the sum total of all you have experienced.
Now, at sometime during a single physical journey, let’s say you experience a trauma. Perhaps you almost drown. Does your awareness of the event disappear when you get home and get dried off? No! A fear of water may follow you through each stage of life, but it doesn’t have to. With the right kind of intervention or therapy, we can return to any one of these identities and change our understanding of what took place at that time, thereby changing our future. It is all about energy and the impact it has on our current situation. However, if you never release that energy of fear, it will follow you into succeeding incarnations until such time as you do put it to rest. Therein lies the value of Regression Therapy, but there is so much more…
Why choose this type of hypnosis?
§ A session of this type will allow you to receive answers to questions you have always wondered about.
§ Experience a better understanding of yourself and your pivotal life events and relationships.
§ Find the origins of an illness, dis-ease, fears, or allergies
§ Acquire insight into things you innately love or dislike, talents you have and passions that come easily to you.
§ Obtain clarity on experiences, situations, or circumstances you perhaps have had in this life.
§ What changes should be made to support your Soul’s growth
§ Follow your self-designed life path more efficiently.
§ Remove and heal physical, mental and emotional blockages, obstacles and illnesses.
§ Raise your vibration, and so much more…
How is the session structured?
Pre-Talk: Usually takes between 60 and 90 minutes
Before a session begins, as much time as necessary will be taken to talk about the process itself and to go over the list of questions that you bring with you. My intention is to provide an environment in which you can feel comfortable, open, and safe. As the therapist, I will be the one communicating with your Soul/Higher Self/Subconscious by asking the questions that you bring with you.
Hypnosis: Usually takes between 90 to 120 minutes depending on the number of questions asked and the number of lifetimes covered
Hypnosis consists of two main components:
· Past Life Regression
· Higher Self or Soul communication
Hypnosis will be used to gently guide you into a deep and comfortable state of trance. Many people whose knowledge of hypnotism comes from TV, movies and stage shows usually have misperceptions about the reality of hypnosis. You do not lose control of your mind or will. You are aware and continually making a choice to continue with the work. The best analogy I can give for hypnosis is a teenager playing a video game. They become so single-minded in their focus that they allow whatever else is going on around them to fade into the background. But if something out of the ordinary were to occur, they would immediately leave their game and be present to their environment.
When in a hypnotic trance, you are neither unconscious nor asleep, but rather in a deeply relaxed state that renders the mind highly focused and ready to accept suggestions to help you accomplish your goal(s). What is true for everyone is that the power of hypnosis actually resides in the client and not the hypnotist. Hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't want to do. It can succeed only in helping you get where you desire to be, but you have to be ready and willing. After a very comfortable and relaxing induction, Past Life Regression is the first component of the experience. It is important to have no preconceived ideas or expectations, as the Subconscious mind will take you where you need to go.
When being regressed, you may be taken to various appropriate past life scenes throughout various important periods of the life and eventually through to the death scene (which, if too traumatic to be experienced, can be witnessed from an observer's point of view). It's up to your Higher Self whether it will be present to you in one, several, or sometimes no Past Lives. Your Higher Self only selects lives that are relevant to the current life of the client or for providing an answer to a specific question on your list. We have heard the Higher Self explain at times that it did not show the client any past lives because they want him/her to be "future oriented." It may also be that there simply are none to see due to their current life being the very first physical incarnation on this planet. As the therapist, I have no influence on what the Higher Self may choose to reveal to you.
After the Past Life segment of the session, I will proceed to initiate contact and communication with the Higher Self. The Higher Self knows everything there is to know about the individual, including the current life, all of the past lives, and all those lives yet to come. Generally, the information comes through verbally by utilizing the client's mouth and vocal cords, but not always. As a rule, the Subconscious will manifest itself in the way that is most appropriate for the client.
The message of the Subconscious may come through loud and clear. It may also make itself known non-verbally, or it may not make any "overt" appearance during the session. However, it may provide information at a later time, during dream states or even the waking state. One thing is for sure - your Higher Self is always present and its only desire is to to help. I cannot direct the Higher Self to manifest itself in any particular manner. Rather, my job is to facilitate your connection with your Higher Self in whatever way suits your best interest.
I will always be acting on your behalf and address all of the questions you decided upon. Obtaining this information and having the whole dialogue recorded is crucial to the healing aspect of the work, as it provides you with comfort, support and greater understanding in many different areas of your life. It also serves to remind you or make you aware of aspects of the work you were not aware of at the time. Further, relistening to the recording puts you back in the healing modality and continues the progress you have begun. The Higher Self will only share information that is appropriate at the time and is of benefit to you.
The Higher Self has the ability to identify any physical problems within the body and can explain the reason for their presence, be it from the current life or a previous one. The Higher Self is then asked if it's appropriate for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery, or pain involved. Very often, a simple understanding as to why a disease presented itself or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Higher Self.
It must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual desires to be healed and if it doesn't interfere with the goals set out to be achieved in this lifetime. We are infinite Souls who have incarnated on Earth to have our own individual experiences. For example, the Higher Self of a blind person, would not heal the eyes if being sightless was one of the key aspects of this life agreed to be experienced, nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. The Higher Self is very literal in its thinking and will usually provide explanations for what it shares.
Post-Talk: Usually takes between 20 and 30 minutes
After being brought back from trance, enough time will be given to fully arrive back in the conscious state. After that, I will go over the core information that was given and answer any questions you may still have about what took place. You will also be provided with an audio recording of the session, so you may listen to it at your leisure.
Cost: A Quantum Hypnosis session is $100.00