Past Life Regression

3-Hour Past Life Regression Workshop 


We are living in exciting times, spiritually speaking. For one thing the belief in reincarnation has soared in recent years, particularly with the rise of YouTube and other forms of social media where people share discovered facts of past lives they have led. The popularity of the books by Brian Weiss, MD, Carol Bowman, and others also offers compelling evidence for this growing awareness in reincarnation. The Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) aired a TV series titled, The Ghost Inside My Child, that investigates and documents vivid memories young children have of other lifetimes they have lived.  


What is reincarnation? Is it simply esoteric facets of an ancient religion or ancient philosophy? Yes, and no. Many religions incorporate aspects of reincarnation, but only because it is an entirely natural process. It is as natural as the Circle of Life.  


Does it make sense to you, that a God characterized as the epitome of love, created billions of people, all in different circumstances with different challenges and yet holds them all accountable to the same rules, whether they are aware of the rules or not? If it does, this workshop is not intended for you.  


On the other hand, if it makes sense to you, that a God who loves absolutely unconditionally, cared for you so much that you were created in His/Her own image. A divine creator being that is the embodiment of love. And as that immortal being, you choose the kind of incarnations/experiences that you believe will enhance your growing in awareness, then this might just be the place for you.  


The lecture will approach the topic of reincarnation as a purely natural process without any kind of religious overtones. It will encompass the topics of past lives, contracts and karma. The discussion will follow a format that respects individual beliefs but, come with the expectation that those beliefs may be significantly challenged as we attempt to learn from one another. Questions are encouraged as this is intended to be an interactive experience. 


This is an experiential workshop that will help you to, not remember, but actually experience different lifetimes that you have lived. Find out who you were when… and perhaps why certain things impact you the way they do in this lifetime. Remember what it feels like to transition; to be released from the body and a particular lifetime and why there is no need to fear death. Don’t choose to believe or not believe in reincarnation, come to a better understanding of what it truly is. 


The workshop itself 


The work shop will begin with a lecture on reincarnation. Questions will be entertained throughout. Following the lecture, I will instruct you to find a comfortable position—sitting or lying down. I will then offer an active meditation on reincarnation designed to take you to a different place, a different time and a different life. I will encourage you to pay attention to your experiences throughout, so as to enhance your recall when you return to the here and now. At the end of the meditation, I will give you time to jot down some notes on what you have recalled. A reincarnation meditation is a multidimensional experience, The information you receive, like a dream, does not originate in your brain which was created when you were born. It is a communication with your soul and consequently, fades quickly. Once people have recorded their experiences, they will have an opportunity to share them with the group. Even if you were not able to recall a different lifetime, hearing the experiences of others can be an experience in itself. 


When the sharing is completed, we will take a short break and then have another meditation. The second meditation is usually stronger. Now that you know what to expect, participants usually allow themselves to become more relaxed and enter more deeply into the experience. Again, there will be a sharing following the meditation for those who desire. The workshop will conclude with a recap of what has taken place and answering any questions that may remain. 



Please wear comfortable clothing and bring with you paper and pen to record your experiences. You may also wish to bring a yoga mat or a blanket and pillow to help you to become more comfortable.